Well, that moment arrived today! But first, a bit of history ... 15 years ago, I sewed a little pillow to keep on the couch. In those fifteen years, that little pillow has seen a lot of use! It was falling apart ... the seams were disintegrated, the piecings were falling apart. You get the story. I purchased a pillow form about two months ago, but I didn't know what I would do with it.
Yesterday afternoon, I was nosing around Pinterest, looking for ideas for a pieced pillow cover. Lo and behold, up popped a rag quilt pillow! Aha! That's the ticket!
So this morning, after I finished some other projects around the house, I created this pillow ... and the other one is now in the trash. Don't feel bad for it, though; it deserves the chance to become one with the earth yet again.